ロックマン6 史上最大の戦い!! Rockman Mega Man Blizzard NES OST
Lo-bit Playground 13.0 -5th Anniversary- hally Live Blizzardman Stage (DPCM’n Bass mix) from ロックマン(Mega Man)6 史上最大の戦い!!! 「Chiptuned Rockman」 www.inti.co.jp hally (vorc records) www.vorcrecords.com
chiptune hally nes megaman vorc チップチューン ファミコン ロックマン
Developer: Capcom Genre: Side-Scroller System: NES/FC (US) Mega Man 6 - 1994 - Capcom (JP) ロックマン6 史上最大の戦い!! - 1993 - Capcom Famous people that worked on Mega Man: Keiji Inafune 稲船 敬二This run is tool assisted thus did not require any gaming skill at all to perform. The purpose of this video is just to be entertaining to watch rather than displaying my gaming skills.
Megaman soundtrack Mega Man music Rockman sound track
COLLABORATIVE ANNOTATIONS LINK: www.youtube.com Okay this video is late for several reasons. For one I’ve been working on some other things lately such as my artwork. Secondly I have some other finished songs but I’m trying to make my videos more consistent so I want to keep a sort of general theme for each. For example it just doesn’t ’feel right’ to have an SNES song and then a GBA song in the same video. I don’t know maybe it’s just me. It just seems to sound a little better when the music quality is consistent. SNES samples are obviously higher quality than GBA samples or 8-bit music and has a completely different feel than YM2612 music. By keeping things consistent I feel it makes videos more watchable instead of getting to a certain point in the video and then having to click away. Oh and I apologize for the crappy gameplay. I haven’t played MM6 in a while you see... :V
Mega Man Rockman Megaman VI OST soundtrack Complete